Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta guerra de precios. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta guerra de precios. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, 18 de enero de 2016

Microsoft y Amazon reducen el precio de sus servicios en la nube

Microsoft sigue el ejemplo de Amazon, Corta el precio de sus productos de servicios en la nube 

Amazon y Microsoft están bloqueados actualmente en una feroz batalla sobre el software y los servicios en línea de la industria masiva, que se valora en los cientos de miles de millones.

IMAGEN: Getty Images


Microsoft ha reducido el precio de Azure, su producto servicios en la nube, después de que Amazon hizo algo similar a principios de enero, informa ZDNet.
Amazon redujo el precio de EC2, una parte de Amazon Web Services, y lo hizo más fácil para que un usuario sólo paga por los servicios que utilizan, con base en el momento en que los utilizan para.
Microsoft ha respondido y reducir el precio a través de su propia versión de EC2. La reducción del precio puede ser hasta en un 17%, de acuerdo con Microsoft, dependiendo del tipo de servicio utilizado y si está basado en Linux o Windows.
Microsoft también promociona las ventajas de Azure sobre AWS. "Vale la pena señalar que los casos Azure dv2 00 a diferencia de instancias de EC2 AWS - tienen equilibrio de carga y auto-escala integrada sin coste adicional", dijo la compañía.
"Además de ofrecer excelentes precios, ofrecemos aún más los programas de compra más flexibles descuento y apoyar su viaje a la nube", continuó Microsoft. Los descuentos de precios y flexibilidad vienen porque las facturas de Microsof para el uso en función de cada minuto, no por horas como Amazon.
Amazon y Microsoft están bloqueados actualmente en una feroz batalla sobre el software y los servicios en línea de la industria masiva, que se valora en los cientos de miles de millones. Las dos compañías recientemente comenzaron a concentrarse en Europa, que es $ 11 mil millones (£ 7,6 millones) del mercado por sí solo.

domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2014

El mercado de videojuegos da como ganador a Playstation 4

La guerra de las consolas ha terminado, y tenemos un claro ganador
The Economist

La sede central de PlayStation en San Mateo, California.

Los comunicados de noviembre pasado de Sony PlayStation 4 y Xbox de Microsoft One fueron vistos como el último hurra de las consolas juegos hogareños de alta gama.

Las versiones anteriores de cada dispositivo fueron duramente golpeados por la baja tecnología Nintendo Wii. Y los juegos más simples jugadas en los teléfonos inteligentes y las tabletas están ganando popularidad rápidamente. La estrategia de Sony era hacer su nueva consola de un dispositivo más sofisticado, especializada orientada a los jugadores empedernidos.

Microsoft se fue a la inversa, por lo que la nueva Xbox un dispositivo multimedia versátil, dirigido a un mercado más amplio. La estrategia de Sony rápidamente comenzó a ser más exitosa: en sus primeras seis semanas se vendieron 4,2 millones de las nuevas consolas frente a 3 millones de Microsoft.

Microsoft reemplazó al jefe de su división de Xbox y redujo sus precios. Sin embargo, un año después de los lanzamientos, Sony está todavía muy por delante, y IHS, un investigador de mercado, predice que se mantendrá de esa manera. Aún así, la Xbox One ahora vende más que la última versión de la Wii, y lo ha hecho mejor que Xboxes anteriores.

domingo, 3 de noviembre de 2013

La guerra termonuclear judicial que anticipaba Steve Jobs: Todos contra todos

Judgment day for Android: Apple, Microsoft file lawsuit against Google, Samsung

This is what Steve Jobs meant when he threatened to go nuclear against Android.
Yesterday, on Halloween, a consortium of companies including Microsoft, Apple, Sony, Ericsson, and BlackBerry filed lawsuits again Android manufacturers such as Samsung, HTC, LG, Huawei, Asustek, and ZTE, as well as other Android manufacturers. All the lawsuits target Google as well, if only indirectly, and one mentions the company by name, saying its core money-maker, Adwords, violates a 1998 patent.
Yesterday, the latest smartphone marketshare reports showed that Google’s Android mobile operating system has attained a record 81 percent share, and that Google’s app store, Google Play, now drives 25 percent more downloads than Apple’s, and is catching up in revenue.
android-kindle-fireEssentially, having failed to compete in the marketplace, Apple and Microsoft are choosing to compete in the courts.
Apparently, they haven’t learned anything from the recent past, in which Apple won a billion-dollar judgment against Samsung that has since been whittled down, reduced, appealed, and essentially stuck in legal limbo. One tremendous accomplishment of that lawsuit, however, has been that many lawyers have gotten much richer.
The lawsuit stems from over 6,000 patents acquired by Apple, Microsoft, and others from the bankrupt early mobile innovator, Nortel, for $4.5 billion in 2011, and amassed in a holding company that the companies’ executives, in an adolescent fit of testosterone overdosing, dubbed Rockstar Bidco. Google was also bidding for the patent portfolio — it was the first bidder, at $900 million —  but lost that battle.
At the time of that bidding war, there were already 45 patent lawsuits against Android in various shapes and forms. Today, there are many more. And Google, probably, knew at that moment that this day was coming.
The Google lawsuit cites United States Patent No. 6,098,065, won by Nortel originally, for “matching search terms with relevant advertising.” In other words, this is not just a fight against Android. Rockstar Bidco — and by extension Apple and Microsoft — are firing directly at the very basis of Google’s existence, its very lifeblood, and the source of all the revenue that enables it to build and give away the world’s best or second-best mobile operating system essentially for free: advertising.
It’s genius, really. Why attack your enemy’s toes when you can go straight for the heart?
android-in-app-downloadsAnd the companies say that by bidding on the Nortel patents, Google was essentially admitting that it was infringing them:
Google was aware of the patents-in-suit at the time of the auction.
Google placed an initial bid of $900,000,000 for the patents-in-suit and the rest of the Nortel portfolio. Google subsequently increased its bid multiple times, ultimately bidding as high as $4.4 billion. That price was insufficient to win the auction, as a group led by the current shareholders of Rockstar purchased the portfolio for $4.5 billion.
Despite losing in its attempt to acquire the patents-in-suit at auction, Google has infringed and continues to infringe the patents-in-suit.
That’s really going too far — the patent portfolio includes many mobile-relevant patents that any company in the space would love to have — but it may play well in court. The Adwords-relevant patent was issued in December, 1998. Google was founded in September of that year, and currently earns $50+ billion annually based on technology that, on the surface, appears to infringe the patent.
(Of course, the patent may also be obvious — at least, it is in retrospect.)
The Samsung lawsuit cites seven patents that Rockstar Bidco, and by extension, Apple, Microsoft, Sony, and Ericsson, say Samsung infringes. They include U.S. Patent No. 6,765,591, on virtual private network technology, a user interface patent, and a seemingly impossibly broad U.S. Patent No. 5,838,551, which covers an “Electronic Package Carrying an Electronic Component and Assembly of Mother Board and Electronic Package.”
The lawsuit is extremely comprehensive, citing no fewer than 118 claims of infringement on Samsung’s part, and no fewer than 21 “prayers for relief,” in the somewhat archaic language of the court. Those prayers, which Apple has been offering up fervently for years now, include that Samsung be found guilty of infringement, be forced to pay damages — including triple damages for willful infringement — and either a permanent injunction or a “compulsory ongoing licensing fee.”
iphone5CProducts cited include the Galaxy S III, the Galaxy family of tablets, and others.
In other words, this is likely to be the definitive battle that shapes Android and the future of mobile technology in the U.S. and abroad. Google will likely strike back — every large enterprise has patents that just about every company could be conceivably infringing — and we’ll likely enter a long, protracted, messing, and boring sideshow of legal shenanigans that advance the world of technology not a single bit, but continue to enrich lawyers.
And may, eventually, result in licensing fees on Android that will make the free operating system slightly less free.

Venture Beat

sábado, 6 de julio de 2013

Todo lo que necesita saber acerca de la guerra de precios en eReaders

Everything you need to know about the great e-book price war

How the DOJ's antitrust lawsuit against Apple and the Big Six book publishers will affect the business of lit

Jeff Bezos (Credit: AP/Reed Saxon)
Closing arguments for the Department of Justice’s antitrust suit against Apple concluded last week, although U.S. District Judge Denise Cote is not expected to reach a decision for another couple of months. If you’ve found the case difficult to follow, you’re not alone. Still it’s worth getting a handle on the basics because the suit — or, more precisely, the business deals behind it — have changed book publishing in significant ways. Furthermore, Judge Cote’s decision could have impact well beyond the book industry.
Apple was charged with colluding with publishers to fix e-book prices. At the root of the dispute lie two different ways that publishers can sell books to retailers.
First, there’s the wholesale model, the way that book publishers have sold printed books to bookstores and other outlets for years. The publisher sets a cover price for a book, sells it to a retailer at a discount (typically 50 percent) and then the retailer can sell the book to consumers for whatever price it chooses.
The other method of selling books is via the agency model, which means, essentially, on commission. The retailer offers the book to consumers at a price the publisher sets and gets a percentage of whatever sales are made. It’s rare for print books to be sold in this way, but it’s the method Apple uses to sell content like music and apps in its iTunes store.
Until 2010 — as Andrew Albanese explains in his admirably lucid “The Battle of $9.99: How Apple, Amazon and the ‘Big Six’ Publishers Changed the E-Book Business Overnight,” a new “e-single” published by Publishers Weekly — book publishers had been selling e-books to Amazon using the wholesale model. They’d simply adapted the system they were already using to sell print books to the online retailer. This, they would soon realize, was a big mistake.
The wholesale model is widely seen as an odd way to sell e-books, since what the purchaser buys is “licensed access” to a digital file, rather than a physical object like a book. But what would torment publishers most about this arrangement was the freedom the wholesale model gave to Amazon to set the prices of e-books.
With the launch of the Kindle, Amazon promoted a low baseline price of $9.99 for most e-books. That meant that Amazon was selling virtually all newly published e-books at a loss. For example: A new book with a hardcover list price of $29.95 would be given an e-book price of $23.95 — 20 percent less to account for the publisher’s savings in printing, binding and distribution. The publisher would sell that e-book to Amazon for $12, and Amazon would retail it for $9.99, taking a $2 loss.
Why would Amazon do this? Observers have proposed several motives. Perhaps Amazon aimed to entice heavy readers to the newfangled Kindle; the customer could tell herself she’d make up the cost of the device in savings on the books themselves. Others have suggested that cheap e-books were loss leaders that drew customers back to Amazon over and over again, presumably so they’d go on to purchase high-margin items like TVs.
The most popular theory by far holds that Amazon intended from the start to totally dominate the e-book marketplace. By using its wealth to subsidize the sale of e-books at a loss, it could drive any competitors out of the market. Bricks-and-mortar chains like Barnes and Noble and online start-ups like Kobo (both of which would introduce their own e-reader devices) or device-neutral rivals like Google would simply not be willing or able to bleed cash as long as Amazon could. And because the Kindle is a “closed platform” — Kindle e-books can only be read on Kindle devices or apps — the more Kindle e-books a customer owned, the more reluctant she’d be to switch to a different device.
Obviously, however deep its pockets, Amazon would not be able to go on selling e-books at a loss indefinitely. But once Amazon was cemented in place as the uncontested sovereign of e-book retail, it could do whatever it wanted: force publishers to reduce their own prices, and/or raise prices on consumers.
If this was the retailer’s strategy, it was initially an effective one. By the end of 2009, Amazon owned 90 percent of the robustly growing e-book market. Even though e-books still made up a small percentage of overall book sales, publishers finally saw the writing on the wall. Amazon had a near-monopoly and was furthermore devaluing books in the eyes of consumers — they began to think of books as worth $9.99, not $23.95. Book publishing is a low-margin business to begin with, and the mammoth retailer seemed poised to scrape even those minimal profits away.
At that point, Apple entered the scene with a hotly anticipated new device, the iPad, and plans to open its own e-book store. Needless to say, the nation’s largest book publishers looked upon this rich new Amazon competitor with keen interest. The trial at the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York this month has provided a record of what happened next.
As narrated by Albanese and other observers of the trial, Apple approached book publishers about making their titles available in the iBookstore. Apple felt that it needed at least four of the “Big Six” publishers to launch the store, and it entered into discussions with all six. Initially, Apple’s primary negotiator, Eddy Cue, assumed they’d purchase e-books via the wholesale model. A couple of the publishers he spoke with proposed the agency model for e-books, an idea that had been kicking around the book world for a few months.
Apple liked the idea. So did the publishers — they would make less money per e-book this way than they did by selling wholesale to Amazon, but they could live with that. What Amazon was doing wasn’t sustainable anyway. Under agency terms, publishers could control the pricing of their books and assert that $12.99 to $14.99 was a fair market value for most new titles. Although authors would also receive less in royalties from agency sales, the Authors’ Guild endorsed the move as the only alternative to watching “Amazon destroy the physical distribution chain” — that is, brick-and-mortar bookstores — in the words of Guild president Scott Turow. (If you want to know why bookstores are especially important to authors, read this.)
However, Apple needed a critical mass of publishers to participate. Otherwise their store would have too few desirable titles. And none of the publishers wanted to be the first to go out on a limb and risk being the only one selling their titles for three to five bucks more than everyone else. Last but not least, Apple knew it couldn’t make the iBookstore a success if it sold the most in-demand titles for dollars more than Amazon did.
By early April 2010, when the iPad and the iBookstore officially launched, five of the Big Six publishers had entered into agency deals with Apple. Each of those publishers had also informed Amazon that if the retailer wanted to continue selling their e-books, it would have to buy them on agency terms as well. As the publishers saw it, they’d stood up to a “bully.”
Amazon was so infuriated by this development that it punished the first publisher to demand agency terms, Macmillan, by removing buy buttons from all Macmillan books, digital and print,for a week. “We will have to capitulate and accept Macmillan’s terms because Macmillan has a monopoly over their own titles,” Amazon announced in a message to its customers after it finally restored the buttons — a curious statement a little like complaining that George R.R. Martin has a “monopoly” on the writing of George R.R. Martin novels.
But Amazon had more than petulant retorts up its sleeve. Days after Macmillan delivered its new terms to their Seattle offices, the retailer sent a white paper to the U.S. Department of Justice, accusing the publishers of violating antitrust regulations. By the next spring, Attorney General Eric Holder announced that the DOJ had filed a civil antitrust lawsuit against Apple and the five publishers who had agreed to sell books with the agency model through the iBookstore.
At issue was whether the publishers “colluded” together to set uniform prices or simply seized the opportunity presented by a new competitor to negotiate better terms with Amazon. DOJ argues that Apple is culpable because it deliberately served as a hub or conduit by which the publishers could reach an agreement among themselves. All five of the publishers, pleading financial constraints, have since settled with the government while admitting no wrongdoing. Apple is the only remaining defendant.
Initially, prospects looked dim for the tech giant. Before the trial started, Judge Cote said at a hearing, “I believe that the government will be able to show at trial direct evidence that Apple knowingly participated in and facilitated a conspiracy to raise prices of e-books, and that the circumstantial evidence in this case, including the terms of the agreements, will confirm that.”
However, many close watchers of the trial feel that Apple has made a strong case that if there was any colluding among the publishers, they did not enable it. By setting up agency-model terms with the publishers, Apple was merely making it possible to enter into the e-book retailing market as a competitor with Amazon. The day before closing arguments, Judge Cote remarked that her views on the case “have somewhat shifted.” But we probably won’t find out how just how much of a shift it’s been until the fall.
For Apple, the stakes remain high. If it is found to have violated antitrust law with the iBookstore, it will not be asked to pay damages. Instead, the DOJ will likely demand that Apple clean up its act and insist on overseeing its operations, perhaps as it did in settling the antitrust case against Microsoft in 2001. E-books make up a small sliver of iTunes sales, but the rest of the content offered there — music, apps, video — is obtained on very similar terms. Having the DOJ hovering over and meddling in future agreements would decidedly cramp Apple’s style. There are also pending and potential civil suits filed by states’ attorneys general and consumer groups seeking damages that would get a boost from a decision against Apple.
But for the Big Six publishers, this “defeat” has a surprising upside. They appear to have achieved much of what they wanted in the first place, which was not money but a more competitive e-book market and more control over the prices (and perceived value) of their books. Amazon has ceded 30 percent of the e-book market to competitors, and now buys most of the Big Six’s books on agency terms. The prices of popular Kindle titles, especially New York Times Best Sellers are either identical to those in the iBookstore, or at most a dollar cheaper. And as Albanese pointed out recently in Publishers Weekly, even the payouts to consumers mandated by the settlements have a silver lining: The “monies — nearly $175 million in total … will be issued almost entirely as credits to e-book consumers’ accounts, meaning those funds will flow back to the publishers, almost like a court-ordered promotion.” Sometimes you can’t lose for winning.
Laura Miller
Laura Miller is a senior writer for Salon. She is the author of "The Magician's Book: A Skeptic's Adventures in Narnia" and has a Web site,

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